
Following a period of illness, Tom sadly passed away at home on 21 December 2018, aged 74.

The funeral was held at  11:30 AM on Saturday 12th January 2019, at the Clydebank Dalnottar Crematorium

If wished, donations can be made to the British Lung Foundation in his memory:


Note - This website is no longer actively maintained, and as far as possible, is left exactly as Tom did.

Copyright on individual works has been retained by the Tom Leonard literary estate.

Any requests for printing or broadcasting should be made using the email address in the menu.  

The family have been working to make his books available again. You can see books for sale on a group on Facebook which shows the efforts to republish his work and where to buy them.


 the word





Some poems, letters, a web journal 2009-2014, and a page with books for sale can be reached via menu to left.

A the foot of the menu the two slightly revissed opening chapters of my 1993 biography of James Thomson Places of the Mind. These have been updated and include details of Thomson's sister who died in infancy. 





 a comfort desktop







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